The Obsessive

The 'obsessive' selects a cartoon of milk from the back of the chiller
but always checks the date thoroughly  
incase it's out of date and poisons them

they'll take the 7th lid from the stack at the coffee machine 
same with the cup selection 
just in case
who knows who's touched them!

they still wear face masks
carry a bottle of hand gel and use it regularly 
and always keep 2 meters apart at all times
despite being quadruple jabbed

they don't take the top newspaper from the stand
anyway that one won't be right
they'll have find a perfect copy
a non-creased copy

they'll give me the penny
not that they ever go over of course
then pay the balance on a card
because? who knows!

they're seen frantically tapping at their pockets
rummaging through their bags to find their keys again
then 'zap' the car for the fifth time 
just in case it hasn't locked and someone 'knicks' it

people who don't know say "I bet their kitchen cupboards are tidy
I bet the whole house is beautifully ordered
and that they follow you 'round with a cloth
I bet their hands are scrubbed clean"

these thoughts are intrusive thoughts
compulsive actions
this is intense anxiety and distress
and is over-thinking 
it's a mental health disorder
...and I hope they find some peace from it

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