Alcohol - Drunk for the very last time

It's the deception. 
The hiding it in the boot of the car so no one knows you've got it...
including yourself!
The stopping off in lay-by on the way home.
The packets of strong mints to hide it on your breath.

Its the denial. 
The buying the mixers along with it.
The cola's and the fruit juices.
You're not drinking it straight right,
you're mixing it; that makes it OK right!

It's the daily grind,
serving your lord and master!
Finding places that will still serve you,
not staggering around the shop,
masking your breath from the shop staff,
the battle with the payment cards,
remembering PIN numbers when you're drunk,
and finding one with some slack on it!

It's the destruction. 
Not just of your liver,
but the destruction of your whole life!
Your health and your relationships.
Loved ones turning away from you,
giving up on you,
having to see you like that and taking it no more.

like a slow motion car crash,
a car crash that those who once loved you had to helplessly watch happen...
it takes you!

It's your death.
Your demise.
Your end because of it.
You've succumb to it,
you have drunk your last drink,
drunk for the very last time.

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