"Sit down!" echos around the near empty restaurant for the 9th time,
"Sit down!"
Even the bribe of a meal from this fast food outlet doesn't work.
And then; the 11th time; "sit down!" but this time the bark has the added "...or you won't get any chicken!" which facilitates quiet and a temporary cessation of hostilities.
Stressed parent heads for the counter to order and almost immediately the fighting starts up.
"I want... I want... want want want!"
"Sit down!!" - I've lost count by now.
A sort of quiet ensues. ...
Stressed parent, with tray of fried chicken and assorted extras re-enters the war zone, the chicken a sort of "United Nations" between these 2 waring factions.
"United nations chicken" and assorted extras plonked between them, peace returns!
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