SOCIAL MEDIA EXPLAINED – ‘The Big Net Cream Slice’

Let me set the scene. If everyone in the world is on the internet, (the worlds population being about 7 Billion people) and there are 20,000,000,000 websites out there, why doesn’t every website get millions of hits?

The answer is to think of the internet as a ‘big cream slice’, layers of crispy pastry, jam and fresh cream; liberally spread between each flaky bite. Think of the cream as representing us, the people who surf the net; and think of all of those websites as the jam; all sitting on one of those crisp pastry layers.

The cream; or us the net surfers; sit within our designated layers with  the jam; very rarely venturing out elsewhere; such as onto other ‘layers’ of the ‘big net cream slice’;  and that’s how it is until we get eaten (as all good cream slices eventually do). That is unless the ‘celestial heavenly body’ who is eating the ‘big net cream slice’ squeezes it too hard; causing the cream to ooze out all over his (or her) ‘celestial’ hand -  and ‘celestial’ clean trousers (as always happens on earth)!

Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook or YouTube are that ‘Squeeze’. If the ‘celestial heavenly body’ squeezes the ‘big net cream slice’ hard enough; the cream and jam (representing us surfers and the websites we surf) will ooze out; mixing together with the cream and jam (the surfers and the websites) from the other layers, meaning  surfers who usually surf one particular layer of the ‘big net cream slice’ will meet surfers from other layers;  layers they don’t normally mix with!

Sites like Twitter and Facebook and YouTube are about mixing the cream and jam amongst the layers of the ‘big net cream slice’  - so get squeezing!

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