(Haiku Tanka)

If this haiku is
written in the middle of 
a forest and there's...

no-one is there to read it
does that make it a tanka?

Fills my heart with joy

morning autumn fry-ups
fill my nostrils 
fills my eyes
no need to wear the big winter coat
that half fills the hallway
along with the hats and scarfs that fill the basket 
sat by the door just in case
too early for the wellingtons that fill the rack
for splashing in puddles that fill with winter showers that haven't yet happened
nor need for the heating that fills the house with warmth 
nor time for thoughts of Christmas - quite yet
that special time
that fills the house with those we love
and fills the mind with memories...

and fills my heart with joy!

A poem is born

Feet interestingly city field every defending level finish started plant plans made...

Plans made

record siren delivery crowd with power strike with pressing collide with reality...

collide with reality 

people home tempo water wool read phrases struck inaccessible words trapped...

words trapped

record deliver find imagination where thoughts in my head...

in my head

talent knowledge panic away contrast fast passing 
the time 
the hour flying
the clock pressing...

the clock pressing 

confuse indicate screen change opportunity process confusing fog doesn't stuck imperfect won't time won't form...

time won't form

obsession loose fast sunshine distract delivery finally soon sooner ultimately eventually...


game balls white attached details crossword forming begins combining words start 

words start

back mean number keeper 
to shape 
to fashion 
to assemble 
to form...

to form -

dry face fun masks
link together...

link together 

valuable how plans my ideas intended 
random thoughts 

random thoughts

ass associated associates assistant assembly 


then though these this thought on that 
on there 
there on
there on a screen

there on a screen...

Plans made
collide with reality 
words trapped 
in my head
the clock pressing
time won't form
words start
to form - link together 
random thoughts
there on a screen...

and a poem is born!


why is it that those 
who 'haven't got it' tend to
'flaunt it' even more?

Life According To Adverts

Apparently we wake up in a bed 
alongside someone we're obviously not sure about
someone who mentions the wrong type of breakfast cereal
and that you need to get rid of 
using a secret
built in 'getting rid of the person who's in your bed that you're not sure about' device
We go and have a shower
washing our hair in shampoo that doesn't just wash our hair 
it brings peace across the world and cures hunger
using a shower gel that doesn't just clean us
it gets rid of your 'spare tyre'
gives you a '6-pack'
and makes you fives inches taller!
We then brush our teeth with toothpaste that 
whitens - then ends all wars
and gives us perfect teeth, of course
then we smother ourselves in colognes 
which drive us through deserts in classic American cars
make us run through huge French chateaus 
with flowing designer dresses 
making us irresistible to the opposite sex - does anyone understand cologne adverts?
In our perfect home 
even our domestic appliances are at it
they connect us to extraordinary - apparently!
I just want a kettle to boil water for a coffee
and a fridge to make sure the milk doesn't go off
We now follow our children around our perfect homes 
with a cloth 
and a cleaning product 
mopping up their mess
a mess which they don't get told to clean up 
stains on floors
dropped food
and don't even mention what the dog did!
And this product
of course which isn't just a cleaning product
it doesn't just kill germs
it kills 99% of germs
germs that are hard to reach
and now cures all known diseases
cures all hunger
and again - gives you perfect teeth!
Everyone has perfect teeth!
The Turks must be going mad!
And with all this mess our children make 
we need our clothes washing
and as if the modern washing powder isn't smelly enough
you have to have a fabric softener with extra scent
and add scent boosters as well
which make people sniff you all day 
because of course if your clothes smell of these scent boosters 
then they must be clean - right?
Now; god forbid there'll be areas of your perfect house 
which might get dirty!
You will have to buy sprays which apparently correct thousands of household problems - like you'd let your dog go and lay on your sofa
and that your perfect house would never smell!
Apparently houses do 
as you now have to have
a plug-in device which sprays scent all over your house 
in a variety of combinations 
mixing 3 smells at random.
Oh and of course you'll have a car 
remember when cars used to just carry you and your family around?
they're now 
it's now an experience 
it's smooth
it's vibrant design
it's connected 
it's emotion - NO! it's a method of getting around!
Then we can take our daughter on this mad shopping spree
buying just what she wants until the bank says NO!
How am I going to pay for or all this I hear you cry!
Don't worry 
We can help you save!
You can invest with us and then buy stuff
or just get a credit card and you can buy all these things 
and live the perfect life - forgetting you have to pay them back
along with an APR of 88% or more!

Do I think adverts live in a real world?
What do you think!

Don't Get Old

Never let your memories know your real age
nor let your actions assume.
Don't stare from an upstairs window
at a world full of youth
never let the words you utter let you down - don't talk about your afflictions 
don't drop your guard by not knowing the current "hit parade"

for your clothes will pass on those signs 
Chinese whispers - don't let them lie
your choice of sensible footwear 
will declare it to your neighbourhood 
the car you drive knows the truth 
and your choice of apps on your chosen mobile phone says it all - if indeed you have one!
be your age - just...

don't get old