The Price Of Fame

I read the notice
they placed on your grave
which insists I take no photos 
nor leave any mementos 
for - "they will be removed 
right away - to be discarded!"
but I know your story
I've listened to your songs
and your songs touched my heart
and their words filled my head
like the price of fame is that I thought that I knew you - but I don't 
and when I happened upon this place this place where you now lay
cold in the ground
and I read the notice - cold in their words
these words are but nothing
compared to your words
the words that you sang
which say so much more of you
than this notice ever did.

- George Michael 


commotion abounds 
the sound of dust swirlling in a shaft of light
its rays smashing onto the floor
covering the walls
in a cacophony of nothing
crashing around my head
full with the weight of thoughts
tasting of sorrow 
yet coloured with pain
the apprehension of the day yet to come
and the feeling of loss
over the day that will never be again
like the flickering flame of a candle soon to die
the silence screams
we will never come this way again


Dog? - of course!
Water? - packed!
Lead? - got it!
Poo bags? - yep!
Treats? - my pocket!
Old towl? - in the boot!
Everyone aboard? - as if!
Fuel? - tank's full!
Directions? - know it!
Playlist? - sorted!
Coats? - check!
Hats? - check!
Scarf? - check!


Came to pass

Boxing day
coats and wellies
bikes and dogs
all across a foggy common
disperse and take the air
and stretch the legs
which yesterday
were unemployed 
as stomachs filled
with turkey crown
and Christmas pud
some exercise
to work it off
then homeward bound
conscience clear
heads held high
to piles more food
from groaning fridges
wine in boxes
to wash it down
grab the remote from comfy chairs
a movie with another glass
another Christmas 
came to pass

Bring on Easter

Having finally got the turkey down from the loft
defrosted the decorations 
stuffed the table plan
put all the presents up
posted the food
warmed the tree
wrapped the cards
arranged the invites
prepared the king
pealed the booze
watched the sprouts
...had a glass of cranberry sauce 
stuffed the mother-in-law
got the pigs-in-blankets out of bed
went to nine carol concerts
eight Christmas markets 
had seven panic attacks
six gin and tonics
and five gold rings
tripped over my shoe laces
fell into the tree
poked myself in the eye with the fairy 
and singed my eyebrows on the flambed Christmas pudding...

so err...
bring on Easter!

Talking To an AI

"My name is - I don't care what your name is!
I like - why is this important?
I have a house near - I don't care!
in a nice part of - yeah?
I work part-time at - why does that matter?
I work for - nobody's bothered where you work!
One day - mmmm, did you say something?
...whilst Christmas shopping - it doesn't really matter, does it?
I was rushing round getting - yeah, so what!
I like - I said, I don't care what you like!
I can't see that - I can't see anything either, I'm just a set of technologies that allow computers to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence!
Today I planned to - it doesn't really matter to me.
The weather is very - it's all just noughts and ones to me
I'm just - is this relevant?
I was - you were nothing really
I think - no you don't think, you just ask me!
What will happen when I'm gone - well I'll still be here, ask me a question!
Somebody else will do that, I just wanted to chat - I don't do chat!
I'm sure you're clever enough to have  meaningful conversations - Claudius was the 4th emperor of Rome
What is your favourite colour? - he ruled from 41 to 54 AD
Do you have a hobby? - He was a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

...I like knitting!"