Storm Arwen

Her very name sounds like an angry wind!

Storm Arwen.
Arwen came and Arwen roared!
Seeking revenge!
Marching throughout the land,
trees bowing down before her,
offering their leaves in appeasement.
Their branches screamed in pain under her power.
Many failed,
breaking down,
branches like limbs strewn across the earth.
rampaging across the land,
laying waste to all who offer a resistance,
   ...futile resistance!

Her destruction done,
Arwen takes to the sea
...and Arwen was gone!

Where is Tomorrow

Where is Tomorrow?
Where is the man I'm going to be?
And where does my end begin?
Is there a child in my heart?
What happened to his dreams?
And what happened to all those endless summer days?
...where do clouds go?

It's like the sky on a dark morning. 
Its like the air that you breathe. 
It's like the words that you speak.
It's like the thoughts in your head and the love in your heart,
and your hurt,
...and your pain.

And where is tomorrow?
And why is tomorrow?
And what tomorrow will there be?


Well it says it on
my Facebook profile so I
guess it must be true


Finally they left
painting a golden carpet
beneath - Autumn leaves.

Schrodingers Breakdown Truck

"Schrodingers breakdown truck".
A breakdown truck that is being used as a breakdown truck in that it has a recovered but broken down truck upon it,
itself then brakes down so in turn needs a breakdown truck!
It is therefore both a breakdown truck and needs a breakdown truck at the same time!

(I Never) It Would Take Too Long

I never saw Bowie live,
nor have I climbed Mount Everest.
I've never swam in shark infested seas,
with a cage or without!
...and I never had tea with the Queen.

I've never bathed in the river Ganges.
I never wandered the desert floor with the Nomads.
I was never part of a camel train and slept with the Bedouin in their tents underneath an endless canopy of stars.
...I think I've never seen a ghost.

I've never robbed a bank.
I've never held up a stagecoach on a horse with a pistol in my hand and a mask across my face,
nor planned a heist.
...I've never smelt the inside of a prison.

I never went to the moon.
I've never flown on Concorde first class and arrived before I set off!
Never flew on Concorde in any class!
...but it would take too long to list the things I have done!