
The human voice sings.
The human voice talks when I'm 
trying to listen!


Two leaves chase along the road beside me
a pile catches a breeze and twist and swirl and dance.
The car in front of me draws them out from the verge 
invited to the party by the sudden whoosh of air.

My headlights catch a golden carpet 
churning in front of me
playing like children 
falling like snowflakes 
blanketing my windscreen
swamping my wipers
then finally - disappearing into the dark as I pass and my headlights fade to the distance.

Choose Choice Chose Chosen

I have freedom of choice
I am free to choose
I don't live under oppression or coercion
I am doing what I chose to do
free from any unreasonable external constraints
I'm with my long-term partner by choice
I live where I chose to live
my country's political system allows me choice
I can vote to choose my leader
I can choose what I say and what I don't say
If I don't like something I can choose to call it out
I work where I choose to work.
I could choose not to work at all
I choose what I do with my money
I chose; with my wife just how many children we had
I have chosen to dress how I dress
I chose what I did today.
I will choose what I do tomorrow.

If you can choose
If you have a choice
chose or have chosen today - remember...

Not everyone has the same level of choice
so choose to call that out 
if you are able.

Devoid of any Humanity


Not dead.
Not living.
Existing piecemeal.
Damp houses.
Freezing cold,
no power,
no water,
no services.

Huddled like animals.
Living in fear.
Living in squalor.
In unsanitary conditions.
Devoid of dignity,
in the ruins,
once a life,
no longer so.

Life on a thread.
Death at any time.
On a dictatorwhim,
an out of control,
devoid of all morals,
'at any cost' - dictator.

Devoid of any compassion
Devoid of any humanity


I'm only up at this time of day because I have to go to work.
I'll buy that on the credit card because we're struggling for money.
I buy the cheapest tobacco because I really can't afford to smoke.
I buy a Sunday newspaper every week because I'm retired and can afford the time and money to do so.

I wear my hair in a 'man-bun' because I think I look cool.
I wear shorts in the winter because I don't feel the cold - much.
I'm this shape because I don't look after myself.

I'm buying alcohol because it's Friday.
I'm buying alcohol because I'm going to watch the footy.
I'm buying alcohol because I have a drink problem.

I wear this England football shirt because it makes me feel like I belong.
I buy 'energy drinks' because I really believe they give me energy.
I'll have this bar of chocolate for my breakfast because I'm not organised enough to arrange a proper breakfast.

I smile all the time because I'm a happy soul.
I'm excited when it begins to snow because I can remember what it felt like when it snowed when I was a child.
I laugh because I think you're funny.

...I wrote this poem because I observed all this happening.


The December chill hastens the arrival of Christmas jumpers,
it hardens the butter,
and reminds us to buy anti-freeze.

"A horse wears a coat in the Paddock"

An electric van tip-toes round the corner,
the only sound being it's tyres 
crackling on the frozen snow.

"My breath appears through the dark"

The water in the bird bath has frozen solid.
Autumn leaves on the surface of the pond now form a frozen mosaic.

"Snow covered roofs on well insulated houses"

Bare branches of winter trees mourn their loss.
Clouds threaten snow but don't deliver - yet

"The tips of my fingers anticipate the cold"

I grip my hands round the residual warmth of a now empty coffee cup.
I think a second jumper is now required.