Helicopter Passes Over Head

cotton wool clouds in azure blue skies
crisp morning air catches my breath 
crows in orchard discuss the situation 
distant sound of traffic is peppered with small arms fire
fourty miles distant
a rumble catches my ear
a russian attack helicopter lets go its payload
as seagulls chase an early morning tractor 
flash of white across the freshly turned soil
an explosion of flapping wings 
gently rising smoke amongst the rows of burnt out military hardware 
oak tree casts a shadow 
light and shade
smoke rising from a field of bomb craters 
amidst the ruined buildings
burnt out cars
lives in shreds
sheep sit 'shooting the breeze'
sparrows encroach into each others territory 
chasing in and out of hedgerows
oblivious to the metaphor 

helicopter passes over head

A Rant on Behalf of the Common Man Over The 2022 Fuel Price/Cost Of Living Rises

"You! You're just part of the machine 
part of the filthy corporate landscape!
You're all money grabbing bastards!
Trample us little guys
squeeze us dry why don't you!
Struggling as we are 
kick us when we're down!
Our morning coffee 
our daily paper
all up in price
all our little treats
the extras that make life worthwhile 
make it bearable 
...just about
so we can cope and not give up
like I wanna to give up
but you can't 
you can't give up
you just mustn't give up
...must you!"

Pay Homage (You Just Had To Be There!)

a spaceship parked in the centre of a city
architectural majesty 
a cathedral to sport
a collasium to rugby
pay homage to the venue

they assemble and they worship 
sing along with their anthem 
they pray for their country
united in faith
pay homage to the team

lager is quaffed 
dripping from trays
four pints at a time
packets of crisps to help soak it up
pay homage to the alcohol 

with wolly 'sheep hats'
in a shirts of their team
'daffodil headgear'
this passion wears red
pay homage to the outfits

rejoice! sing disciples 
fanatical congregations 
in pulpit like rows
generations at the altar 
pay homage to the church

an allegiance
a devotion 
adulation to spare
fidelity and the people

...you just had to be there!


Time drinking coffee
is time to stop and chat and
put the world to rights

Before A Storm Hits

Before a storm hits
before a storm makes land-fall
a violent storm
a storm like no other - a silence falls
'The calm before the storm'
A kind of serenity covers the land
Before a storm hits
the air is still
birds are silent
all is calm
Before this particular storm hits
streets are empty
very few people are there to be seen save those who are battening down
stocking up
or leaving town

Run away from this storm
hide before this storm lashes out bringing total distruction - but not distroying your resolve
consuming your city's - but not removing the belief you hold in your fellow countrymen 
taking those you hold dear - but not diminishing the love you have for your country 
breaking your spirit - but not eroding your sence of who you are 
this storm will hit hard 
but this storm wont take your fortitude
your nationality 
your will to rebuild 
nor the memories you hold


"Give us this day our
daily bread". Better stop the
war in Ukraine then!