Before A Storm Hits

Before a storm hits
before a storm makes land-fall
a violent storm
a storm like no other - a silence falls
'The calm before the storm'
A kind of serenity covers the land
Before a storm hits
the air is still
birds are silent
all is calm
Before this particular storm hits
streets are empty
very few people are there to be seen save those who are battening down
stocking up
or leaving town

Run away from this storm
hide before this storm lashes out bringing total distruction - but not distroying your resolve
consuming your city's - but not removing the belief you hold in your fellow countrymen 
taking those you hold dear - but not diminishing the love you have for your country 
breaking your spirit - but not eroding your sence of who you are 
this storm will hit hard 
but this storm wont take your fortitude
your nationality 
your will to rebuild 
nor the memories you hold


"Give us this day our
daily bread". Better stop the
war in Ukraine then!

I've Had Enough Of All This Crap

Ninety-five pence for the milk f'me cup of tea?
Two quid a litre for me old 'jam-jar?'
Rain pissing down and the news ain't much better.
The 'rozzers' came and told me that I'd bought a 'bent' car!

Me footy team is up for sale but then again it ain't. 
The price of gas has a taken flight I 'ope the Russians do!
They've buggered up me perfect life I want me 'good life' back.
I might as well just give up now if that's alright with you!

I wanna go and live in the B-hamas in the sun.
I wanna run away from all this mess.
I wanna stay at home watching telly in me bed.
I've had enough of all this crap I really must confess!
...I've had enough of politics,
but there I do digress!


Even man with 'gas
guzzling' car has backed off from
the 'noisy pedal''


It's funny isn't 
it! We've rules around warfare.
Very civilised!

We Are Feeling Their Pain

The last world war was taught to me at school as history.
I wasn't alive to see it.
I wasn't alive during the second world war.
I wasn't there to feel the build up of tension.
I wasn't there to feel the tension around its causes.
...I wasn't alive then.

I wasn't alive to feel the dread, hurt and loss felt by those displaced by this war.
The hurt the people felt who saw their countries destroyed 
the hurt the families felt over their slaughtered loved ones.
The irony of this world war was that this world war was another world war,
following the war known as 'the war to end all wars'.
This was yet another war in Europe.
We thought another world war involving Europe could never happen again.
We were wrong.

Now the shadow of war has darkened the edge Europe once more.
Horror amidst the 'bon-accord'
war in a time of co-operation and peace.
A war brought to us on our personal electronic devices.
War delivered to a screen in the very palm of our hands.
The internet bringing us endless rolling news
showing us sanitized footage of war on Europes edge.
Edited scenes of death and distruction
for us to switch on and off as we like.
The anguish of Ukrainians is live on our screens
live from bunkers
cowering people sheltering underground
mothers in tears trying to escape
fear writ large across their faces
telling their stories
clinging tightly to their children
telling us about their blackened lives,
behind their blacken faces,
wearing their blackened clothes.

I now know about Ukraine.
I know more than school had ever taught me.
I know the names of its cities.
I know its size and geography.
I know its main exports
what it produces and the names of its leaders.
I would recognize its president. 

I can book holidays I have no intention taking,
connecting with people I'll never meet.
I can donate them money.
I can send my love and my support.
Sending them money with which they can help support the war within their ravaged communities.

This war,
a war they didn't want and don't deserve,
this war I am living. 
We are living this war and we are feeling their pain.