Am I Old?

What is getting old - grey pubes and incontinence?
our childhood pop idols suddenly turning 65?
...or do we simply shed life's baggage
and loose our independence
our physical strength
and our sex drive
and we sit in chairs and read the obituary columns 
to see if we recognize anyone

we label old age
"old men wrapped in sensible coats"
"old men in sensible, well polished shoes"
"old women all dolled-up"
"mutton dressed as lamb"
sayings like "getting on a bit"
"long in the tooth"
"no spring chicken"
you can have a "senior moment"
(I have many!)
you can be "sprightly"
you can be told to "act your age"
or to "grow up" - what? My physical age, or my mental age? (they're very different!)
age can be tender
be "grand" or "ripe"
you can start to "look it"
you can be "making the most" of it
"putting the years on"
or "be over the hill"
time can be kind to you despite having "one foot in the grave"
"being in god's waiting room"
or "waiting for the sunset"
old age borrows particularly from the seasons with many references to Autumn
"now the leaves are falling fast"
"summer's passing"
"it's yellowing, dying leaves"
"shortening days"
"looking ahead to the onset of winter (the final season) 
"the dying light"
"the winter of our lives"

Poets and authors have featured many lines on it
"Youth and I are housemates still"
they talk of "Grey shadows"
"Give me immortality"
"...whilst we are getting old and dusty"
"What is it to grow old? Is it to feel every limb grow stiffer, every function less exact?"
 "Could lonely wait my endless rest?"
"That is no country for old men"
"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple"
"But the older woman only; knows the ebb-tide leaves her lonely"

I write of old age as the nightmare of being sat in a highbacked chair 
in a row of highbacked chairs
(none matching)
in the lounge of an old people's home
with the smell of disinfectant and urine filling my nostrils 
jigsaws and relentless television
locks on all the doors just in case we finally remember something
like we don't want to be here!
care assistants busying themselves
Breakfast lunch dinner!
Breakfast lunch dinner!
endless cups of tea in chipped mugs
(I don't like tea)

No thank you! 
I don't want to be a burden
and I know I'll be a nightmare
when I'm old
if I am lucky enough
to become older
older than I am now
for I
as we all do
believe that we aren't old yet
until that one day
when having crept up on you
it smacks you 'round the face
and you ask yourself...
"Am I old?"


Where do thoughts go 
I wonder what that tree thinks?
How long did this fence wait?
Who owns the view?
What sound does a house make?
Can boredom pass the time?
What noise do weeds make when they grow?
How cumbersome is a flame?
Can I almost exactly be totally incorrect?
What flavour is a hole in the ground?
What do tree stumps do later?
How heavy is the sound of that aeroplane?
What colour is a thought?
How great is water?
How wonderful are clouds?
How awkward is music?
Can big things be small things at the same time?
Where has that moment gone?
And why might that be ok?
What noise does a conclusion make?
Can black be white?
Where does a sneeze go?
What does pain weigh?
What flavour is affection?
Do fingers nails make a sound when they grow?
Why not?
What does an idea taste of?
Does dust experience pain?
Who is - and why?
Can a fish believe?
What would wood do?
Is this the future?
Do earings feel pretty?
Does money feel wealthy?
Does a car enjoy speeding?
Where is nothing?
What does time cost?
What is it that the universe is worrying about?
Is amusement funny?
Do teardrops feel unhappy?
Does pain feel hurt?
...and where have all the socks gone that I've lost in the wash?

Grumpy Old Man

Don't tell me my hair's crazy!
I know. 
I am a 61 year old male 
and that qualifies me as a grumpy old man!
I like my crazy hair!
I like my colourful outfits.
If it's cold - I put on more crazy outfits!
I dress to the weather
and three quid is too much for a coffee - anyway, I've good coffee at home!
I am a grumpy old man!

I like my own company
I know what a good diet is
so no; I don't want 'fries' with that!
(and it's chips by the way!)
What you perceive as being stubborn
is actually me knowing what I want
I've lived long enough to know that!
I am a grumpy old man!

My testosterone levels may be down
my hearing may be half way out the door
and my concentration span - well that's shrunk to the size of a pea 
but I'm certain 
television programs were better back in the day
we may have hundreds of channels today - but there's still nothing worth watching for this grumpy old man!

I don't need everything in my life to be new
I don't need gallons of 'energy drinks' to make it through the day
and I certainly don't want the latest smartphone - and I don't want to pay for everything with one either
so you can keep your apps!
I - am a grumpy old man!

But I can do a good job
I can be relied upon
I call customers 'sir or madam'
and I still hold doors open for other people - I am 'old school '
I have a head full of knowledge
my body aches in certain places - but that's my body telling me its experienced
and I was taught how to do up my shoe laces!

This grumpy old man's clock is still ticking
but no-one knows how long they've got 
and at 61 
I might have less time left than you
but I was brought up not to be rude
I was brought up to respect other people 
so if I blank you
when you see me
it just might mean 
I've something better to do 
with the precious time Ive got left
'cos I - I am a grumpy old man!
You've been warned!


the point of my being is to wrap your heart in my words 
smothering you with the messages I hold within
the implied notions
the concepts
I am full with intentions 
feelings and ideas
I am a canvas now filled
an installation now created
a story waiting to be read
loaded with undercurrents and implications
of beauty and pleasure
bitterness and hate 
filling your mind
driving your thoughts
fascinating your senses
layering your head with images enough to touch your soul - maybe
...maybe flooding your faculties 
leaving you enlightened - maybe not
...leaving you inspired 
wanting more
...but questioning and thoughtful
( this poem has - I hope)


Time is...
Time is passing - Tick-tock tick-tock!
Time is...
Time is lunch time
Tea time
Time is structure 
Time is a routine to your day
Time is the string that joins 'the was'
to the 'is'
and to the 'will be'
Tick-tock tick-tock!
Time is...
Time is the domain of academics
the philosophers
the scientists
and the preachers
Tick-tock tick-tock!
Time is...
Time is the bricks and mortar we built into a home
Time is the all that cooking and cleaning and caring we did
Time is growing old
Time is those little changes noticed in the bathroom mirror
Tick-tock tick-tock!
Time is...
Time is those we love
more and more and more
Time is a fundament physical quantity 
Time is used to define other quantities
Time is holding hands
Time is doing those little things together 
Time is caring
Time is seeing them grow up
Time is birthdays
new partners in different places
Time is money - time is killed
Time we save - time we loose
Time is precious 
Time is beyond our control 
Time flies and waits for no man!
Tick-tock tick-tock!
and - time
Tick-tock tick-tock!
our time here
Tick-tock tick-tock!
in this place 
Tick-tock tick-tock! limited time
(think on!)

The Commuter (Washing Their Socks)

A long segmented metal tube
skims along two parallel metal strips
taking a subsection of the species known as 'the commuter'
sometimes reluctantly 
from the place they want to be
to a different place where they don't really want to be
to perform a function such as delivering a service 
mending something 
selling something 
creating something  
or building something 
in order for 'the commuter' to earn the small round pieces of metal
and the rectangular polymer sheets needed
to buy the small thin pieces of coloured printed card
or to be able to add specific data onto their addictive
multifunctional communication devices
that allows them to ride
(sometimes sitting - sometimes standing)
within the long
segmented tube
for a defined period of time
and in a specific direction.

On this journey sometimes 'the commuter' is happy
sometimes not so - depending on the reason for the journey.
Being a commuter 
this journey away from the place they were in 
is usually made around the time when the star they call their sun has just risen banishing the dark.
The dark period is the period when commuters play and rest and wash their socks
(socks being small knitted devices made of fibres which initially come as matching pairs but within one of the two a device is fitted to ensure that the sock gets lost when they're washed - washing machines have a reciprocal function which works along with the sock to achieve this - the ones that remain 
fit on peoples feet to keep them warm and comfortable when they commute - but no longer as a matching pair).

To qualify as a 'commuter' you must have just woken up and as such must not be fully 'compos mentis' (with it!)
nor be fully replenished!
A typical meal for a commuter is an 'Energy Drink'
(a sparkling; sugar ladened beveridge available in a much smaller metal tube with many unsubstantiated promises printed on the outside) and 'Mars Bars' (a high fat; high sugar; high colestoral slab 
coated in a substance made from the fruit of the Cacao tree
all wrapped in a material traditionally made from products which are leading to the downfall of the commuters planet).
Neither of these substances will successfully provide 'the commuter' with enough energy over a substantial period
(certainly not until the time when they stop the function they have been undertaking all day 
and go and find another long segmented metal tube to return to the place where they wash their socks).

Once back at the place they wash their socks
'the commuter' must then cram in all the things they wished they'd been doing (Including washing their socks)
before having to go and rest because their star (the sun) has now disappeared and all is dark!
Rest is very important because when next their star rises
heralding another day
they're going to have to do it all again!
(including washing their socks!)